在台灣一階段領票還是二階段領票吵得兇,想知道外國的選票長什麼樣子嗎?用 "election ballot" 這個 query 進行 google image search 就行啦。
以下這張選票是貼在Iris Eagle 部落格裡的一篇叫 "2004 election ballot" 的文章,作者是一個戶籍在紐約州的美國人,住在愛爾蘭。這是一張三合一選票,第一欄投總統,第二欄投參議員(Senator,任期六年,每州有兩位參議員,但是不同時選兩位),第三欄投眾議員(Representative, 任期兩年,按照各州人口有不同數目的選區,一選區選一名)。
Irish Eagle 有提到,在這張紐約州的選票上有五組總統候選人,但是這次選舉所有的總統候選人可不只這五組喔,完整的名單在這裡。原因是,不是每組候選人都會被列在每一州的選票上的,只有對紐約州選民來說有必要的候選人才會被列在紐約州選票上。
如果你有仔細的數下面總統候選人有幾組,就會發現.....「 不是有八組嗎?」可是再仔細的看了看,就會發現怎麼 1A 和 1D 都是 Bush, 1B 和 1E 都是 Kerry, 1C 和 1F 都是 Nader?根據我詢問了美國人的答案是,1A 是共和黨自家推舉的候選人 Bush, 1D 的選項是因為保守黨(Conservative)選擇支持Bush, 同理, 1B是民主黨候選人 Kerry, 1E的工黨 (Working Families)支持民主黨的Kerry。
我問了 Irish Eagle 這個問題:
Also, you mentioned in this post that you could only vote in the federal but not the state nor local. I am wondering if you got a special ballot that only listed the federal elections or federal/state/local are all on separate ballots?
這是 Irish Eagle 對我的問題的回覆
Yes, Americans living abroad get a ballot that is special in that it only has the federal election on it. (This is not true if you are in the military or a student abroad or only temporarily abroad.)
If you look at my ballot you can see a lot of blank columns to the right of "Representative in Congress". Those columns should be for local and state offices, but are blank for me because I'm not entitled to vote in those elections.
Every candidate for President has to attain a place on the ballot in each constituency (state). For the big two candidates this is a formality as each state's Democrat or Republican party will achieve whatever the requirements are to ensure that their candidate is on the ballot.
然而,對於資源沒有那麼多的候選人,要得到所有的簽名或州議院的支持就不是那麼容易了。這有時會是個大問題,因為有時兩大黨覺得他們第三勢力候選人威脅到了,所以他們決定在州議院裡來阻擋這個候選人讓他沒辦法被列名在選票上。我想這件事發生在 Perot (註: Ross Perot 的 wiki) 身上,但是我不是很確定。
For the lesser candidates, however, it can be too much to get all the signatures required or the support from the state legislature. This can occasionally be a big issue if a party feels threatened by a third party candidate and decides to block his place on the ballot in the state's legislative body. I think that happened to Perot, but I'm not sure now.
小黨常常會決定背書某個大黨的候選人。所以,你會看到 Bush/Kerry/Nader 在這張選票上都被列了不只一次,因為有超過一個黨支持他們。
Often a smaller party will endorse a candidate already backed by a bigger party. So, you get a situation where Bush or Kerry or Nader is listed more than once because more than one party has backed a candidate.
我想紐約州的規定是「在州長選舉得到超過某低標選票的政黨」都可以在選票上得到一行屬於他們的位置,但我並不確定。(註:這是沒錯的,第三行的 獨立參政黨 就是因為他們的候選人在紐約州長選舉得了第三,Nader代表的黨其實是第六行的和平正義黨。)
I think in New York a party gets a line on the ballot if they achieve a certain minimal vote in the election for governor, but I'm not sure about this.
- Nov 16 Fri 2007 00:43
2004美國選舉 -- 紐約州的選票長這樣 + Irish Eagle 的回覆